Thursday 13 September 2012

Oh My Little Ponies!

she still needs her cutie mark

I loved  My Little Pony when I was a kid, I mean who didn't right? They're so cute and the show was seriously fun.
Of course we all know that our favorite (and some new) ponies made a comeback a few years ago with my little pony friendship is magic. I couldn't even believe that they got cuter. But they did.
Of course, little miss (and little guy) are super in love with the show and the lovable characters (we have many, many pony toys to prove it).

It's Pinky Pie!
Which is why, with my recent forays into toy making  I started looking for pony patterns (among other bits of geeky awesomeness), because you know, I'm the coolest mom ever. There are some pretty cute options out there for making little ponies, which are completely adorable, I can't wait to give them a try. I'm thinking they'll be great little stocking stuffers.
Lucky for me I found the mother of all stuffed pony patterns. Go. look. It's amazing. Like wow! So impressed by this one. It's clear, detailed and simple to follow and it just comes together like nothing. 

needs more stuffing and patience
I decided to try this pattern out for myself and made a pinky pie for my little ones. She's awesome. The kids are in love with it and so am I. I must admit she's wonky because I rushed through the pattern, I was just too excited to take my time. Which I didn't. At. All. It shows in the final construction of the pony. She's all wonky but the kids love her and did I mention how freakin excited I am about this pattern?! Seriously.Go. Make a pony.  I'm going to finish her cutie mark up and start another one for little man. So exciting! Such a wonderful pattern! 

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