Saturday 17 November 2012

Happy wovember (moveber)

don't let the look on my face fool you. I'm THRILLED!
It's November!
Halloween is over, my boy just turned 2, remembrance/veterans day has just passed holiday music is creeping into radio rotation, there's SNOW on the ground (yep, that's right like a good foot of the white stuff!)! Holiday themed coffees and early Christmas shopping aside November has also become what we all know and love as Movember (we'll celebrate movember in a different post). Recently I've learned that November is the month to celebrate real wool. Not blends or "wooly/woolen" fabrics/yarns but real honest to goodness wool from a real honest to goodness sheep.
 Knit, crochet or felt with it, wear it and appreciate the wonderful properties of wool! They call it Wovember and it's a movement I can get behind. What's better than a beautiful wool garment? Not much. So grab a skein (or those wool socks nanny made you) and celebrate sheep, wool and the people who make it happen for us. 

pardon my messy yarn

If you're anything like me you're probably already eyeballs deep in winter or Christmas projects and while you're at it why don't you pick up some good old fashioned 100% real wool (or, if you're anything like me just pull some out of your never ending stash) and make a little something for yourself or someone else.

 I've been needing an excuse to make something for myself so I pulled out a couple of (4oz) skeins Of a wonderful wool my mother in law sent me for Christmas last year called heritage by Briggs and Little it is beautiful 100% Canadian (made in New Brunswick) real [like there were some bits of hay still in it] wool yarn. Apparently Briggs and Little is Canada's oldest woollen mill so yay! totally fitting! The pattern I decided to go for was this lovely hooded cowl/"infinity scarf"  from string with style.

WHAT is happening with my hair?
I'll admit that I altered the pattern, like I do with every pattern I use.. I used the same hook size and the same thickness of yarn as the pattern called for. I did add an extra row to the width of the piece, I like thick scarves- In fact now that it's finished I might go around the bottom of it once (or twice) more to make it even thicker.

  I also added an extra row or two to the hood and I made the entire project in one piece rather than fastening off, making a hood, sewing it together and then sewing it on. That seemed like a lot more work than my lazy butt had in mind.

 I just continued on with the first row of the hood on top of the last row of the scarf. It worked out rather well and I'm pretty pleased with the result. It's a nice fast project and will serve me well. Yay wool!

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